Skep's Place


Chapter 50: Much Ado About Lateral Career Advancement

Chapter 50 is a jaunty and delightful read that unfortunately accomplishes next to nothing. A few themes are needlessly reinforced:

Mr. Bennet thinks "Man I got off easy. Which sucks because now I feel bad about what my brother-in-law must have sacrificed to wed my daughter to this asshole."

Elizabeth thinks "Man Darcy must be counting his lucky stars that I didn't marry him. Which sucks because I'm totally down to marry him now."

The mean old gossiping ladies in town think "Man the marriage of Lydia and Wickham is really going to end in misery. Which sucks. But not for us."

The only new information we receive is a report from Uncle Bennet that Mr. Wickham will be quitting the militia and joining the army. While some of us readers might be thinking "wait what the hell's the difference," this is largely seen as a major positive by many of the characters, because it means that Lydia and Wickham will have to move way up north where the distance will make it nearly impossible to justify a visit more often than once every two or three years. Really, everything is looking up.

Although I guess the happy couple is going to want to make one more stop in at home before they disappear forever. Fine, let's just get this over with.

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