Skep's Place


On Game Assets

If you happen to be a character modeller or animator in the video game industry, and you find yourself wondering to what extent certain parts of the female anatomy should be affected by the game's physics engine, I would like to present to you the following handy chart:

How it looksMy reaction
The breasts are entirely staticI do not notice
The movement of the breasts has been meticulously crafted to reflect real-life physics in every conceivable wayI do not notice
The breasts move slightly unrealisticallyMy immersion will break every 5 minutes as I wonder who in the hell thought that swinging these mammaries around like big old rubber balls was supposed to look appealing and how on earth it got past an entire team of people who can't possibly be that goddamn blind to make it to release

Make sure to bookmark this page and refer to it regularly. Thanks.
