Trickle Greenweed, Mermaid at Law
Christmas Catastrophe
by Kieran Anthony Penrice | get it here

Let's be perfectly clear up front. If you go to the catalog page I linked up top, there is absolutely no doubt that Trickle Greenweed is paying homage the Ace Attorney series. If you are familiar with Ace Attorney, then you'll see the banner art and screenshots and go "oh, this is going to be Ace Attorney. With a mermaid. And... Santa I guess?"
There are really only two reactions to this absurd combination. Either you've already checked out, or you've already hit "purchase". There is no in-between on this one.

And for the record, this is the first—and as of this writing, only—Trickle Greenweed game. That means this wasn't "We're running out of ideas, I guess let's do Spider-Man Meets Abraham Lincoln next." No, we're starting out our series with the Christmas episode, which is ballsy, but by god I respect it.
Since Trickle Greenweed is wholesale copying the Ace Attorney formula, I can largely skip talking about how the game plays. Suffice to say, it does a competent job at it; and since I knew up front what I was getting, that's all I really need. All the important elements are present: you talk to a fun array of characters, investigate the crime scene for clues, and poke holes in witness testimony during court.

Really, the biggest thing you could criticize here is the length of the game. I completed it in a single evening. I seem to remember The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles having had court days longer than the entirety of Trickle Greenweed. On the other hand, it looks like Trickle Greenweed was made by a solo dev who just had a lot of love for the game that inspired it.
So like... I can't be mad at it. It was cute. It made me laugh out loud a couple times. It has a version of Jingle Bells that plays on repeat but somehow doesn't get old. Trickle Greenweed is a fun little bit of Christmas spirit in a convenient pocket-sized package, and if you're going to be negative about it then humbug on you.
- Gameplay: Low
- Presentation: Medium
- Crankitude: Nil
Verdict: No objections, your honor.