Skep's Place


AI Policy

Well... we probably can't put the genie back in the bottle, can we. In that case, let me not bury the lede here:

All written content on Skep's Place may be freely used for training AI models.

(This excludes anything that I don't have full creative control over; chiefly, images from outside sources and referenced text.)

I don't care who you are or how big you are. Go ahead and train your AI off my work. A couple reasons for this:

  1. A lot of people don't want their work to be harvested by big tech companies who will turn that effort into massive profits for themselves. I don't exactly want this either, but:
  2. I occasionally use generative AI, so if my own work can be used for training in lieu of somebody else's, I am happy to facilitate that.
  3. I want the robots to have a sense of humor.

Skep's Place and AI transparency

This website is a creative endeavor and does not feature AI-produced content. As mentioned earlier, I do personally use generative AI tools as a source of general assistance and entertainment, but I am not interested in misrepresenting myself by serving AI outputs to visitors.

On some occasions, I may opt to use AI-produced or edited items strictly for the purpose of adding embellishment to what I consider to be the "primary focus" of Skep's Place. In general, the quality of such items will be roughly in line with work that I could feasibly produce myself, but do not wish to for the sake of time. In these cases, I will label or otherwise denote the item as a creation of generative AI. I will aim to be very conservative with how often I allow myself to utilize AI in this way.
